They let us see through their eyes what has already been created.
Albert Einstein once said that, “science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
Isaac Newton figured out mathematical formulas for the laws of motion. He didn’t invent gravity, he was just able to understand that it wasn’t by chance that it happens. Scientists have and will always study things that exist, at least in part.
I love Picasso. However I wouldn’t call all of his art pieces “beautiful.” I would call them interesting or even provoking.
Every artist like every scientist has an objective. An artist’s objective is to create something of beauty. It could be for a specific group of people, or just one. But if nobody finds beauty in the art piece, is it art? Who ultimately determines what is beauty? Monet had to open his own art gallery to be able to display his master works.
Photo Credit:
Audrey Langkrammer
Here’s my theory…
Beauty has already been established, and it has already been formulated. Have you ever seen a sunrise where the sky is blended so perfectly you cannot tell where the night ends and the day begins? Have you ever seen mountain range or stood at the Grand Canyon and lost your breath? Have you ever held a newborn baby and been captivated?
The closer the artist captures the “real image,” the more beauty it has. It’s not that Monet and Picasso didn’t give us master works of beauty, what they did was created new lenses for us to see the beauty differently. They let us see through their eyes what has already been created.
I believe we are drawn to Beauty, just as the apple is drawn to the earth by Newton’s law of gravity or how the sun knows where to precisely set each day. Man, not animal, is called to stand at the ocean shore and marvel at its vastness. Look at the stars and be mesmerized in awe.
For no other reason than simply to give credit To
the Creator, and in that, have our souls nourished.
-The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1
-Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth.
Psalm 50:2